Some things are permanently funny, why? Because it was nothing.
Death is as such, money is as such, but when life through difference offers different deaths it doesn’t become funny.
Escalate, Accelerate, what kind of a warrior that wishes to be spared?
A lack of passion is present at every moment for those who are anxious of us, not in us, that’s rarely the case regardless of how “lazy” we see to be, paralysis is always justified for those who can endure such a state, and everything is a game to those who are good at it, do you want to be good at a war? The only banner left is the war against war, the capital against Captial, I hate to inspire any sort of top-down command “patriarchy or hierarchy” since I know I can’t really live under it, I only answer to the God in me, But how can a “ organic “intensity raise from this tension?
I worry not, though we may be dying but it’s alive, if what is living is all that matters.
Was “it” always alive, and the eternal recurrence of the same is the inevitability of the return of the inorganic?
Now we’re all dead, die with us don’t try dying differently, you die in a specific way in specific rules, through a certain system of exploitation, you don’t fear death, you can’t afford it at the moment, you gotta run, if you can’t direct all your aggression inwardly at least articulate it, make sense of your madness and allows us to use it, be depressed, never say or show how much you’re possessed, we shout to your ears we don’t need freedom, we’ve always and always have it.
Melt all guns, forget all systematic propaganda and be an idiot who thinks they don’t need security, all the savage beasts are into the city now, we’re them, and it’s a shame for you to raise your gun while everyone got the same, A Car can be a killing machine someone says, should we destroy it? For how many lives are we incentivized to keep a tool like that? Should we take the route of it’s always your choice? You decided to have the gun and it got fired and it’s you who died! It was up to me I’d happily say yes and don’t even think of pitying me, but that’s me, do I allow you to make a choice for me? New cities where there are no killing tools even at the cost of 1 life? Nah that’s too damn hard to figure out let’s expand the pool and go to die in space, the fungs have to spread vertically, hopefully, something will get out above it and it won’t be a vampire that is feeding on its blood.
Death can be considered -not solely- the muse for philosophy, everything is dying for those fuckers, sex is a little death since you feel the emptiness- hopefully the newness- of it, we’re living but it’s somehow not us that are living, a spectator experience is there, you see it a museum, if you join a new religion or a cult, they say you’re born new here, some even take new names, actual philosophy can be considered an ongoing dying and picking names and dropping them if we’ve outgrown them, sometimes a line of though will kill you, you’ll panic, but then you’ll know how to not panic while panicking, then you’ll try a different expression, you won’t find any but you’ll find the first language the silence, boredom is for destructive to its host, but that’s why it is needed if you really wish to die.
Are you “Delighted to death”? Or annoyed by it? Does a tragedy only become comedic when you assume a choice, even a choice to randomize! While typing this, it happens there’s a good death for a part of me, I consider myself not a great man, not even a man at all, and for me, it wasn’t that clear why I cherish such a notion about myself, a comedic gesture towards oneself, I offer no resolve on the contrary, but then I get hit with something Like this
“It must be acknowledged as a general principle that an imperative strength develops most fully in relation to a sense of inferiority. The inferiority complex of the leader has always played a role in the development of his determinant action; as a rule, an odd lack of self-confidence on the part of history's dynamic leaders has driven them to those antithetical excesses required to prove to themselves how unjustified this lack of confidence was. Similarly, we can claim that national feeling achieves that extremity of pride and assertiveness only in those countries in which doubt or anguish has arisen; that assertiveness and confidence are thus the function of prior doubt and fear.”
Georges Battaile
And it’s not that now I’ll think oh I got it but now, I still can’t pin shit down, and still annoyed when someone hints at something I find true, they don’t assure me of myself, nothing does so far.
The idiot sees in one way and so see they stray away, apes can’t see straight we’re paralyzed t certain movements, but having the idiot here allows a different one, there’s a value for the doubter as much as for the believer, and any lack of effort from both shows only bad faith and lack of vitality.
I won’t talk about biopolitics or Necropolitcs in a direct sense and we won’t go into Foucault or Mbembe, Let’s jump to something else, and before I even mention I do apologize for who believes or lives under any label I might reduce them to and ofc for my lack of research.
Death in Athens vs in Juerslam.
Cities may not only offer you a certain death but also a certain life, they can’t be separated. In Athens you die like an animal after playing with your hunger for power and desire, in Juerslam you live as a part of god, all is done for you even your hands and blood and your hunger for power is being used and is to and through, so who would you like to die for? All perspectives even that of “lower beings” should be respected and welcomed into the city or only the hystric- gives false comedy and tragedies- are those who are allowed to enter? If someone speaks a different language, should we remain “ Nopel” and not allow them to learn our language? If so why do they still preach and reach with it? If you see someone who’s saying that there’s only one true answer, one true god, Run, Real oneness can’t be expressed, they’re just about to dissolve you.
You see now why their tanks have to be Electric and bio-degradable and cares about what might really die around you, your death is being made sustainable and healthy to the earth, chill, if you don’t like it you can join in it, and just like Biden says” you don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist”
“Much has been written about the clash of ideology separating Jerusalem from Athens. Nineteenth-century German poet-philosopher Heinrich Heine suggested that for the Greeks beauty was truth whereas for the Hebrews truth was beauty, and late-20th-c
entury philosopher William Barrett maintained that while the Greeks idealized philosophic speculation and theoretical meditation, the Hebrews emphasized moral and ethical conduct in daily human behavior as being the highest good.”
So would rather have a true death or a beautiful one? A life where you see your fleeting and groundlessness, or a structure “around” your existence?
“For Strauss, Athens and Jerusalem refer to two general and fundamental human dispositions, or ways of life: the life of free inquiry on the one hand, the life of humble obedience to God’s law on the other. He argues that Christianity belongs to Jerusalem because it rests upon God’s word, God’s revelation, but that it is less pure than Jewish Jerusalem because it has been contaminated by Athens. Christianity developed in a world transformed by Greek philosophy so that in Christianity the exclusive and rigorous obedience to God’s law has been supplemented, or rather obscured by, speculations fomented by undigested or decadent Greek philosophy, mainly debased Platonism of the sort exemplified by some authors Augustine felt obliged to discuss in the City of God.
How did Jesus die in Wixárika Mythology? And what can we learn from that “real history”? Do you ever determine who can die for you?
First, what is Wixarika? A short answer can be something like a tribe, another Jerusalem, a people, a religious cult, a way of life, of being, a phenomenon.
Some call them “Huichol” those who run to the mountain; it was a way of surviving colonization by the Spaniards, and so even now there’s still the label of the outsider, the indigenous, as if having a land by blood or a narrative after aggression, or that still colors it, is still needed.
They like those beautiful people of the earth have myths, stories, and narratives to justify their “usage “ of a certain sacred substance, not everything is allowed for us you see, and we have to deal delicately with delicate matter, we use fire because its been given to us, but careful not to be scared enough of it, The blue deer tempts the hunters, and an accident offers them something new.
Like every closed system, they tried to maintain their own way of being- there’s no money- few words but an honest one and a possibility of a different language, I dreamed of making a “movie” just by patterns and color, they’ve been speaking it for ages, but we both know something as such is not for sale, rather destroy it on my terms than to be forced to sell it, something resists the market and even the category of number.
Imagine a society in which only women are allowed to own land and on death daughters inherit it or another woman, if none are there in accordance with the village and labor, is done by men and not only their land but others in the tribe or the family, a not so distant image for some and a current ideology- the American dream is not merely for Americans- but it is still a reality for them- their “shaman” or maybe even common pilgrims begs and asks the city for equipment and now “costs” of the trip.
“Their ability to adapt without losing themselves, to blend in without giving up what's deeply theirs—that's something truly remarkable. They're not just survivors; they're artists of resilience, mixing the old and new in ways that keep their spirit alive”
But you get a weird eye looking and saying reductionist stuff like this.
“Do Indigenous people in their homelands possess enough of a unified sense of their own cultural identity to be able to determine their own direction without outside assistance and/or intervention?
The sorts of questions mentioned above become particularly important when discussing a people who have traditionally lived in an isolated environment, in so-called “ closed corporate communities” Wolf 1957”
Once you see it, you see how Jesus was forced to die as well for those people and come under capital and though they’re pantheists, they had a trinity adopted with a revolution to allow them to become their own capital.
“An important example of myth adaptation concerns christ sacrifice& betrayal in the new testament understood by Wixarika in terms of economic alteration brought by the spaniards: “for them[the Wixarika of Tuxpan and san sebatiant”], the sacrifice of Jesus christ established the worlds economy in which silver circulates as a medium of exchange.
In 1934 Tuxpan Huichols viewed Christ’s betrayal for 30 pieces of silver as a crucial event, one which initiated capitalism, The chorinchle of Christ’s betrayal, cursifiction and resurrection was recited during Tuxpan’s Semna santa( Holy Week) festival”
Death In Wixárika Mythology or cosmogony is but a transition process to return to divinity, I remember someone saying something like “Leave people with weed and community and they shall form a cult and create myths” but what’s the harm in that?
Allow the people their Opuim and don’t dare to monopolize this market.
“ No democracy exists without its colony- little matter the name and structure. The colony is not external to democracy and its not necessarily located outside its walls. Democracy bears the colony within it, just as colonialism bears democracy, often in the guise of a mask.”
-Achille Mbembe
References and extra resources